Monday, November 16, 2009

RJA #13b: Annotated Bibliography, Part 1

Apple Web. 8 Nov. 2009. .
The quote that I choose from this site has also been used in a number of commercials and is well known to many.

Berman, Sheldon. "The Reality of Virtual Learning." School Administrator 56.4 (1999): 12-16. Academic OneFile. Web. 3 Nov. 2009.
The author presents his views of how virtual learning will play out in his school using a grant provided by the department of education. He tells about their plans for implementation over a 5 year period and how they will spend the budget. The author also gets insight from teachers and students that take part in the virtual classroom and how they feel it benefits them. Having the superintendent of the school that is taking part of this leap lends a credible and unique source to my paper.

Cuban, Larry. Oversold and Underused: Computers in the Classroom. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 2001. Print.
The author of this book takes the stance of how computer are being aggressively sold to schools, but they are not being used to their full potential. He gives ideas and research on how to change this and make computers an integral part of education.

Dell Laptops, Desktop Computers, Monitors, Printers & PC Accessories Web. 23 Nov. 2009. .
I choose this website as my source for a price quote since their advertisement of net books have been in heavy rotation on the television since Christmas is coming soon and they expect net books to be a hot holiday item.

RJA #13a: Field Research Report

I surveyed 100 people if they have taken an online class. I also asked them if they planned to take an online class again if they answered yes to the previous question.

Out of the 100 people surveyed they had all taken an online class, but 50% of them said they would not take an online class again.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

RJA #12c: Introduction Check

Comment on Sofia's Blog

Comment on Elvis's Blog

RJA #12b: Presentation Plan

  • Introduction about my topic
  • Explain about each technology I will talk about in my topic
  • Talk about the pros of technology
  • Talk about the cons of technology
  • Talk about the future of technology and wrap up my presentation
  • Works cited

RJA #12a: Progress Report

What I have accomplished
  • Found books.
  • Read some of the books
  • Book marked passages for quotes
  • finished the field research
  • completed the outline.
What I need to do
  • Start typing based on the outline
  • create bibliography
  • create a chart based on the field research.
Hope to a complete draft done by the due date of Nov 22 with the bibliography to follow shortly after.

Monday, November 2, 2009

RJA #11c: Thesis Statement Check

Comment on Sofia's Blog

Comment on Elvis's Blog

RJA #11b: Visual Aids

I can include a chart based on the observations I have made during my class where laptop use is in abundance.

I could include a picture of the students doing other things on their laptop or texting.

I could include a copy of a survey asking how much the user texts during class.

A picture of laptops and cellphones.

a survey of how much websites are visited during class when they should be taking notes.

RJA #11a: Introduction

Laptops and cellphones. These are examples of technological inovations that are meant to make our life easier, but what if these simple items and their misuse were actually bringing about downfalls in our educational and social settings?

RJA #10b: Argument

Claim: Tecnology is affecting education.
1: Texting instead of listening to the lecture you are missing out on information.
2: Surfing the web instead of taking notes you do not have any information to refer back to at a later date.
3: Not learning the necasary inforamtion in one class can affect you in other classes that rely on an understanding of information from the previous class.


Warrants: Not doing what you are supposed to will affect your learning.

RJA #10a: Thesis Statement

Research Question:
Is technology affecting education?

Precise claim:
The use of laptops and cellphones during class time is affecting learning.

1- Texting or surfing the web instead of paying attention in class you will not learn what you are supposed to.
2- Not learning what you need to will affect your understanding of the subject and can lead to downfall in other classes.

Complete thesis statement:
The misuse of cellphones and laptops in classrooms can affect education, but they are very helpful and important tools and it is up to the individual user to properly use them.