Thursday, September 24, 2009

RJA #6a: Periodical Articles

  • Technology, Information and Learning.
  • Australian Universities' Review
  • v41 n1
  • 1998
  • Pg 46-49

  • Yong Zhao; Kenneth A Frank
  • Factors Affecting Technology Uses in Schools: An Ecological Perspective

  • American Educational Research Journal
  • Vol. 40, No. 4
  • Winter, 2003
  • pp. 807-840

  • Michelle Drouin ; Claire Davis
  • R u txting? Is the Use of Text Speak Hurting Your Literacy?

  • Journal of Literacy Research
  • Volume 41, Issue 1
  • January 2009
  • pages 46 - 67

  • Resource searched:
  • Keywords used: 'Technology affecting education'
  • Search strategies used (including operators and types of searches): 'Technology +affecting +education'
  • Date of search 9-24-09
  • Number of hits 1494
  • Relevance of hits 2

RJA #6c: Protopage

My ProtoPage

RJA #5a: Reference Articles

Thursday, September 17, 2009

RJA #5c: Checking Search Strings

Comment on Grant's search strings.

Comment on Paul's search strings.

RJA #5b: Finding Books

Author: C A Bowers

Title: Let them eat data : how computers affect education, cultural diversity, and the prospects of ecological sustainability

Edition Book : English

Publisher: Athens : University of Georgia Press, ©2000.

Date Of Publication: c2000.

Author: Claudia Dale Goldin; Lawrence F Katz

Title: The race between education and technology

Edition Book : English

Publisher: Cambridge, Mass. : Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 2008..

Date Of Publication: c2008.

Author:David W Kritt; Lucien T Winegar
Edition/Format: Book : English

Title: Education and technology : critical perspectives, possible futures

Publisher: Lanham : Lexington Books, ©2007.

Author:Charles Fisher; David C Dwyer; Keith Yocam
Edition/Format: Book : English : 1st ed

Title: Education and technology : reflections on computing in classrooms

Series: The Jossey-Bass education series

Publisher: San Francisco : Jossey-Bass Publishers, ©1996.

Date Of Publication: 1996

Monday, September 14, 2009

RJA #4a: Generating Keywords





RJA# 4b: Writing Search Strings

+technology +uses+"class room"

+technology +affects +learning

technology AND affect* AND learning

technology AND effect* AND teaching

RJA #4c: Checking Research Questions

Comment on Natalie's research questions.

Comment On Grant Stone's research questions.

Monday, September 7, 2009

RJA #3c: Developing Research Question

What Technology is used in the classroom?
When did it first start being used?
How should it be used?
Should we rely on it so much?
Would it be harder with out it?

RJA #3b: Narrowing Research Topic

I think I might need to narrow my research topic. My topic right now is if technology is helping or hurting education. I might need to narrow it down to how specifically it is helping or hurting and if so in which ways.

RJA #3a: Exploring Research Topic

I searched for info on my topic on and I found some blogs and book recommendations for books that are about my topic. I need to go to the library to find these books now.

RJA #2c: Delicious Account

Link to my Delicious account.

RJA #2b: Research Topic

The topic I am choosing is if Technology is helping or hindering education. The reason I choose this topic is because I am interested in studying the effects that technology is having on learning. I am interested in this because of the amount of technology that is being implemented in the classroom and the uses that I see it being used for.

I do not know much about my topic. Since starting at Metro I have seen a big reliance on online components of classroom learning. Textbooks are coming with My Math Lab and other online components that are used as part of the course curriculum. I have taken two math classes that used My Math Lab. One class had assignments that were to be done online as part of the course, and the second used My Math Lab extensively and all homework was done online and submitted from My Math Lab.

I want to learn if there are any studies done that show if technology is helping or hindering modern students. I think there are some beneficial and detrimental uses, but I want to see some hard facts and figures.

RJA #2a: Possible Topics

Technology and its effects on education.

Texting and its ramifications on spelling.

Is it hindering or helping classroom learning?