Monday, September 7, 2009

RJA #3c: Developing Research Question

What Technology is used in the classroom?
When did it first start being used?
How should it be used?
Should we rely on it so much?
Would it be harder with out it?


  1. Hey Kris,
    So I think that for this research question, you have a great idea. I feel as though you should more clearly define what you mean as technology. There are numerous sources of technology that we come into contact with every time we walk in the classroom. The other aspect of your question also should be more clearly defined to explain what you mean but helping or hurting. I seriously think that this is a great topic, I just think that if you don't clarify you research question a little more, it may turn into a 300 page masters thesis.

  2. I cannot decide which would be a better topic. Your questions: "what technology is used in the classroom" vs. "should we rely on it so much" vs. "how should it be used" are all good debatable questions. If I were you I would try to reword each of the questions into one question that would allow you to touch on all three. It seems that it would be inevitable that somewhere in your paper all three questions would be raised. Perhaps: Is technology being used too much in our schools? That way you can touch on all issues. Just a suggestion.

  3. I like the first question that you have beginning with "what." The others are too vague, and are more supporting the first question.
