Monday, September 7, 2009

RJA #2b: Research Topic

The topic I am choosing is if Technology is helping or hindering education. The reason I choose this topic is because I am interested in studying the effects that technology is having on learning. I am interested in this because of the amount of technology that is being implemented in the classroom and the uses that I see it being used for.

I do not know much about my topic. Since starting at Metro I have seen a big reliance on online components of classroom learning. Textbooks are coming with My Math Lab and other online components that are used as part of the course curriculum. I have taken two math classes that used My Math Lab. One class had assignments that were to be done online as part of the course, and the second used My Math Lab extensively and all homework was done online and submitted from My Math Lab.

I want to learn if there are any studies done that show if technology is helping or hindering modern students. I think there are some beneficial and detrimental uses, but I want to see some hard facts and figures.

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